Hey, My ex and I broke up about three weeks ago on the 24th of October. We'd been together over a year and he broke up saying that he needed space and was confused amnd everything. He said he still cared and wanted to try again by the end of the year. We were engaged and closely knit, including sexually active (after 4 months of being in the relationship). He was also my best friend.

I've tried contacting him and he's in another relationship with a girl he never sees. He's only seen her once and most of the relationship is through text. Even I have been on dates as well, which he shows his jealousy openly. (I'm am NOT trying to deliberately make him jealous).

But one moment he seems he hates me, another he seems he loves me.

I went over to his house the other day to drop off a birthday gift and he kissed me and, let's say cheated on his current girlfriend, no we did not have sexual intercourse. I tried to take charge and tell her but, of course, she didn't believe me.

I want him back. A lot. I miss him, but I'm not sure what to do. I hear I should wait about a week and see if he contacts me and if he doesn't I can send him a quick email saying sorry about how i acted after the break up and that we should talk and then wait a little longer before talking to him again unless he contacts me.

I'm just very confused. I know most people are telling me to just move on, but I want at least one more chance with him because I love him. I really do.

Any advice on what I should do? What you think he feels? Or what I can do to pass the time?

Thank you.


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