im tired of feeling not good enough.
im tired of crying.
im tired of yelling.
im tired of being sad.
im tired of pretending.
im tired of being alone.
im tired of being angry.
im tired of feeling crazy!
im tired of feeling stuck.
im tired of needing help.
im tired of remembering.
im tired of missing things.
im tired of being diffrent.
im tired of missing people.
im tired of feeling worthless.
im tired of feeling empty inside.
im tired of not being able to let go..
im tired of wishing i could start all over.
im tired of dreaming of a life i will never have.
But most of all im tired of being tired.

  1. aquazium 4 years ago

    Me, too, and it seems like it will never end:( so sick of it all and always want to die but sick of that, too.:(

    0 kudos
  2. 88percentintroverted 3 years ago

    I’m tired too…
    I was tired yesterday,
    I’m tired today,
    I’ll still be tired tomorrow,
    I’m so tired…
    Even after sleeping, I’m still tired.
    I’m tired of waking up,
    so… so tired.
    When will I not be tired anymore?
    I don’t know… but right now….
    I’m tired.

    0 kudos
  3. raynbow92 1 year ago

    I wonder why as much as we explain this to people certain people don’t understand it I can say I’m tired a million times and tell them why and my thing is always I’m tired of waking up to fight fight for another day of living I want to be done fighting but still no one understands it my family makes me hate them just because they don’t understand it because if they would just say okay we get it and it’s okay to be as tired as you are I would feel better but they refuse to answer me that way!

    0 kudos

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