It’s really the little things in life that make a difference, good or bad. And those little things, they’re just little things, so it shouldn’t be a big deal, right? But it’s like water on a mountain. Those drops are wearing me down.

Why is it that my coworkers seem to go out of their way to make their lives more difficult?

The bag seals shut. The ziplock works perfectly fine. Why do you need to seal it and then also double wrap it with rubber bands?? I mean, no, taking off the rubber band is not a big deal, but it’s just one more thing in my way. One more pointless thing!

Why can my boss not put the paperclips on the outer edge? I’ve asked her to, and explained why. She checks stuff and then clips together the papers she’s checked, so when she goes back to check the folder days later, she knows what’s already been checked and just adds the new papers to her clipped stack. No biggie, all fine and good. HOWEVER. If you put the paperclip in the middle of the top of the page (portrait view) and then shove the clipped papers into a folder (landscape view) where I am expected to add papers to the folder, the paperclip prevents the papers from going down! I have to take the papers out and reclip it to the side so there is no longer a barrier for the papers to snag on. Then and only then I can add new papers to the full folder. I move them every time. She moves them back anyways. This is every folder, every time.

WHY will *HE* not load a full ream of paper? Our printers don’t jam. The printer holds a full ream. If you only load a partial ream, all you’re doing is making me have to load it again sooner! JUST LOAD THE WHOLE THING!!!

You KNOW I have to scan bar codes! Why would you put stickers over them???

When you empty the water bucket, if you hold the opening actually over the sink (GASP!!) the water goes in the freaking sink and not all over the counter and floors. HOW does he not understand this and WHY does he leave the mess??

I DESPISE cleaning up after people. It’s YOUR mess. YOU clean it!! Put your stuff away. Wipe your spills. Empty your trash. It’s not that hard people!!

Petty gripes, little things, water on a mountain. It’s not a big deal, but uuughggghggghhh.

  1. karab615 2 years ago

    Hi there. It sounds like you are dealing with a frustrating situation at your job. It can be especially difficult in the workplace to meet all of these expectations from supervisors. Just know that on this platform you are welcome to express openly and be vulnerable with the way you feel. In fact, I appreciate you sharing; as we need to normalize that not everyday at our job will entail a pleasant experience. Your feelings are valid, and I hope that your boss and coworkers can become more understanding for you and the others in your environment!

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  2. agm1719 2 years ago

    Hi. First off, thank you for sharing your feelings with this forum. The situation you are in sounds extremely frustrating and I am sorry you are experiencing these feelings at work. It is often hard to live up to the expectations of your bosses, all you can do is continue to try your best. This community is a wonderful resource to vent and get advice. We are always here to listen, support, and lift you up. Please know your feelings are valid and that you are valued.

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