I don’t have anywhere to vent besides here or my journal and maybe one of yall can either connect or give a nudge. But I feel like I’m a lost cause I mean their are people that go through so much more. I know that my feelings are valid but seem less tragic.

I lost my dad to cancer in 2016, he was my everything well besides my mom. Theirs is this picture that both of them are my ship. I’m the one managing it but my dad is the guide and my mom is my anchor. That’s how I like to picture it. But anyways ever since he has passed I felt lost like I have no purpose I was so depressed to the point I quit beauty school. Then I started nannying and that really helped. But that nannying job lasted like 2 yrs. Then I had to get an actual out my home and into society job which scared me, I got many jobs but as Trish from Austin and Ally. (Iykyk) I job hopped so may times that I feel like I can’t get a job or keep a job. Till last year in 2022 I got a job as a unboxer in a retail store I loved it but one day I suddenly felts so much emotion that I started panicking that I asked if I could go home for the day and come back tomarrow and they were amazing let me tell you. They did let me go home for the day but I was so embarrassed that I never went back.

So now I it’s 2023 and well I’m still struggling with my depression even deeper because I’m a grown ass with no job, no social life, and bad mental health that sometimes sees no future cause who wants to hire a person that hardly has “actual work expirence”. And with everything in this world going on I’m losing even more hope in human kind. I’m just hoping that great things will come to me and to all.

(OH and did I mention that when I said no social life, I mean I’m really scared of going out by myself).


  1. evelyn11 12 months ago

    Unsure what to say that’s supportive. I just signed up here. I also feel anxiety for lots of reasons and one is always being alone so have developed dread of going out since I’m always alone. Always. I’m saying I relate to that. Also, don’t have a family that adds to it. I hope you find a solution. I seem o feel more alone when trying to so socialize since others don’t relate to the extreme aloneness in he world. Some think they do but only superficially. Then the feeling is compounded.

    0 kudos
    • Author
      danisv 11 months ago

      Hi welcome, I apologize for the late reply. Also thank you for commenting, yes the aloneness is very real. Its harder to try to socialize when your all alone. But if you would like to chat I’m open to just listen . Thank you again for interacting.

      0 kudos
  2. mallorywells1 11 months ago

    Hey I wanna let you know I’m here for you I’m so sorry your going through so much and if you ever need to talk you can message me

    0 kudos
  3. Author
    danisv 11 months ago

    Thank you so much, and sorry for the late reply. And like wise!!

    0 kudos

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