The struggle has been real the past 2 weeks. Everyday im getting these attacks im so tired. Im losing what sanity i have left and thats not much. Im going to the doc and it kills me cause they can give u news that to you is devastating and worry some and to them its like ok go home eat right take your meds you should be fine. Well with bad news i dont feel fine i feel like its making everything worse because i wasnt having attacks this freaking bad now all of a sudden after getting a bad blood test saying im not as healthy as i thought i was the panic set in. Im on a diet now everytime i eat i feel sick but if i dont eat then i get nervous and my chest pounds and i feel dizzy. im waking up all hours of the night. Im fucking losing my mind!!! Then on top of that im trying to take care of my parents and everything else at my house and i feel i just need a break. Cant redo my blood test till october and i really dont want to keep having these attacks this frequent till then. This site is suppose to help but its a hit or miss being on here trying to find someone to talk to when i need it. And trying to be on here for others that need it as well when im feeling better. Im feeling lost tonight and i need to find a way to deal with this stress and get it off me before it kills me


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