I’m feeling really grateful today. Grateful for my hardworking husband, grateful for our home and our food, grateful that I have beautiful clothes to wear, grateful that I have all my medications, grateful that the weather’s not too hot. It’s a gratitude kind of day and it’s not even Mabon! 🙂

Tomorrow is Litha, the Summer Solstice, which my husband and I celebrated over the weekend with wildberry cheesecake ice cream, vanilla chantilly cream cake and sunflower butter cookies, plus I’ve bought a beautiful yellow bouquet of flowers. In continuing from last blog’s theme, I do feel more Christian than Wiccan. I tried listening to some “Wiccan” music this morning and I don’t think I even got five minutes in, I was done. Every playlist on YouTube has the same songs, it’s all repetitive, “Earth, Air, Fire and Water…” and “we all come from the goddess…”  Blah blah blah. No true spirituality, no words of love and care and real meaning, nothing inspiring. I’d rather listen to the jazz station all day than listen to that junk.

Catholicism has a great sense of “mission” about it, reaching out to others across town, across the country, across the globe, with the message of Christ. The Mass is the same in every country of the world, save language. And the message of Christ is this: that He lay down His life for us that we might believe in Him and live with Him forever. That’s so much more meaningful than “Earth, Air, Fire and Water.” It transcends the Earth and its transitory wealth. There’s nothing wrong with taking care of the Earth; God expects us to. The problem lies in worship of the Earth instead of the Earth’s Creator.

Still, I celebrate the Wiccan Sabbats because I think it’s lovely to have things to celebrate throughout the year, and it IS good to be in rhythm with the seasons which God has made. And there are a few pagan artists whose music has touched me, that I still listen to: Omnia, Kan’nal, Faun, Lisa Thiel, Elaine Silver, and Damh the Bard. These artists are very talented, and I listen to them merely because of that.

I will still light candles and incense and pull my oracle cards and crystals. Those things aren’t expressly “Wiccan” though Wiccans make use of them as well. So my Christian style of Wicca has become my Wiccan style of Christianity. I am sure I will continue to evolve. I’m currently reading Rev. Matthew Fox’s Confessions: The Making of a Post-denominational Priest. It’s really interesting so far. He’s a former Catholic priest who is now an Episcopalian priest. His journey is interesting to me, though I don’t wish to swap my Catholicism for the Episcopal Church. Rev. Fox had been a Dominican. I once considered Dominican religious life. Long story… I’d rather read his story than tell my own, mine is a bit more painful.

Anyway… I wish everyone a blessed Solstice tomorrow, if I am not on here tomorrow. Blessed Be and Amen!



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