so today was my first meeting at my anxiety/ocd class. it\'s a once a week, 8 week course on counquering anxiety and hopefully ocd. i thought it would be more focused on ocd, but so far no good. what i really need is a class on depression/ocd. but this is a good start for me. there were around 7 or 8 people in the class. this is my first group setting of any kind. i was extremely nervous to begin with. the class itself didn\'t go too bad. however, we are learning things that i\'ve already learned through therapy, such as meditation, studying out of the anxiety and phobia workbook, etc. i suppose that we will most likely be learning alot more( i hope so). i really like the teacher. it\'s not exacatly a group however there is alot of interaction. also it is good practice for me to get back in a class setting in preperation for college, no matter how small the class.

but it\'s always been really hard for me to go to therapy(or was i should say), because i am stubborn  and alot of the things they teach you seem like a bunch of bullshit. but if you really just swallow your pride like i had to do, it can really help a ton(i know it can\'t help everyone, but it\'s helped me alot.) i would just like to say that if you have yet to try therapy or a group, maybe think about giving it a shot. i mean i never thought that i would do it, and it\'s really fucking helped. trust me when i say that i really don\'t like letting other people "tell" me what to do, which btw is not what therapists do, they just give you advice and whatnot. it\'s up to you whether or not you can swallow your pride, get over your fears and actually benefit. i had to try several times before it benefited me. and you\'d be suprised, in the group i was afraid that there would be alot of "weird" people there or something, and really the people all seem virtually "normal" on the outside. i\'m just saying that this journey that i\'ve been on for the past atleast 3 or 4 years in therapy and more has really paid off. yes, i am still suffering, but i never thought i\'d get to where i am now. i just can\'t give up. and as far as the fear aspect of going to the group. i didn\'t want to go at all. but i sucked it up and went. i even almost had a panic attack there, but yet i went. i\'m actually proud of myself for that. now i just have to keep going despite the fear and benefit from it.


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