This afternoon, I was outside smoking a cigarette when I noticed a small bird cawling out its distress. On the cusp of adulthood, it was unclear if it had fallen from a nest, or been nudged out by an impatient parent, because it was time. Much neck craning did not produce an answer…there were many spots a bird would love to nest directly above it, and yet I could not get the angle to either spot one or be certain that there was none. The ladder came out and I clambered around…no nest. And yet, it couldn’t remain where it was, barely visible and likely to be run over by the teenagers who loved to race down the alley on skateboards, bicycles, scooters and motorcycles.

So, with gloves on to disguise my scent, I put my hand in front of the bird, imagining that I was going to have to encourage it along to get it to alight. Imagine my surprise when it hopped right up, nestled down, and stopped calling. I was completely charmed by the trust of this tiny creature, to whom even my small frame must seem equivalent to a towering redwood. It burred and nestled, without a care in the world as I transported it over to the sanctuary of the bushes many sparrows use as a feeding ground. My original intentions were slightly stymied by the moment, and long seconds passed before I lowered my hand down and encouraged it off and into the world. But I had spotted the adults and it was time to release that trust to its proper owners. Through the window I watched as adult birds recommenced the flying lessons I had clearly interrupted.

Depressed, unemployed, unable to function outside the small environment I have created as my comfort zone…and still there are moments of surprise and awe. Life can bear scrutiny in the smallest world.

1 Comment
  1. Baggs 15 years ago

    what Love Shines said

    0 kudos

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