I feel so lost, so suffocated. I shouldn’t feel this way. Yesterday I got word that the company I interviewed with on Monday wants to hire me. I should be ecstatic. I kind of am. I want out of this job, have for a long time now. I just am starting to freak out. Change is not one of my favorite activities. I will often convince myself again and again that the place I’m at ‘Isn’t that bad’. So here’s what I’ve got so far:
It’s close to my home
It is pretty lenient as far as taking time off
It's familiar
I can screw off online when things are slow
I enjoy the ‘reception’ aspect of my job
They have made mention that they think I do work well.
Dress code is lenient/casual Fridays
Can go to dr appt as needed
I have taken on lots of extras and not gotten compensation for it.
My bosses are jerks for the most part
I have 6 people all pushing me around making me do crap they could easily do themselves
I, in general despise waking up in the mornings to come here
President of company will patronize me to my face
As receptionist/secretary I’m see as second class citizen to the recruiters
I do not like the lack of open communication w/in the company
I dislike that I will not be getting annual reviews or raises based on work and merit
So that is that. As far as the new job….it is all pretty unknown. I know that I will be receptionist and back up for the administrative assistants and accounting dept when needed. I know that its alwalys business professional dress. I know that its a more 'executive' environment, more so then I'm used to. I know that at least the woman hiring me is nice, seemed easy to talk to. I worry that things might be the same or worse as far as environment goes. I know that the receptionist before me left because she was retiring where that was never the issues at this job…everyone just quit here because my boss is a bit snappy and condesending. I know that I should probably leave but i feel some unwarrented and probably unhealthy obligation to stay here. 🙁
Anyways, sorry…I feel like all I do is bitch and complain about my job and now here is my door out and now i'm getting cold feet. I just hate change so much. It scares me more then living and working at a job that I dispise. :hmpf: