I have been thinking about college and facung fears. First of all i thank the ones that replied to my last post. You guys make me feel like im not alone. I have been facing my fears.im not so afraid of leaving my safety zone which is home. Im in college now and i dont miss home so that is a plus. I have been thinking and its all about facing my fears i just cant handle so many fears at the same time. I feel like i should take one fear ata a time. So i came up with a solution. If immafraid of walking a more than im used to i just drop that class that i have at the other side of college. I just wish i had a car for when it rains or when it gets really windy or when is very cold outside. I get sick really fast. I have 2 friends that have a car that they never use so i will ask them if i could buy one from them. Hopefully i will find that out today. Besides i dont think me being stuck in college all day is good for me. I need to start facing the fear of driving. Maybe i could start driving from my apartment to my classes evey once in a while or when it gets really cold to walk. And maybe going to get groceries and stuff like that. I mean i have the time to do that. I have friday off and if i frop one class i will only have school from 8am to 10am and sometimes from 11: to 2pm so i will have time to practice. Or at least to not be stuck here. Its not good for my anxiety. Also, maybe if i loose the fear of driving i might even get a job i really have the time and must be spent by me doing thinks other than thinking things. Anyways that is how i feel.


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