Hello ladies and gentlemen. I am here talking about something I am coming to call Corporatism. The taking over of America by corporate America. You have those on the right who are screaming bloody murder about Obama and saying he is a socialist and a Nazi, both of which in my opinion are total and utter bullshit, and yet they don’t defend corporations and the crap they do all over this country and all over the world. They have been saying that BP was “shafted” by the current administration for making am escrow fund to compensate those on the Gulf Coast who were totally and completely affected by the HUGE oil spill. Where was the outrage for the people who lost their lives on the oil rig when it exploded?? Where was the outrage that the plans of the oil rig were not up to date and the safety mechanisms were not working they way they should have?? Where was the outrage that BP, who says safety is a big priority, was totally caught flatfooted, along with the rest of the country, when this disaster happened?? Where is the outrage when insurance companies pay less and less for what they are supposed to pay for when it comes to a persons health?? Where is the outrage when there are more lobbyists in Washington that there are Representatives and Senators in Congress?? One of the greater threats to this country, as I see it, is corporate America pretty much doing anything they damn well please right now. They have so many Representatives and Senators in Congress in their back pockets is is insane. Then there are all of the people who are former Representatives, Senators, Secretaries of departments, former Pentagon and others going into the corporate sector and using their connections to screw the American people over with lucrative contracts or getting laws passed that are favorable to one industry or another. This is nothing but a revolving door and has been for to long to count, but the thing is that now it has to be the worst time in this nations history in so many ways it is totally insane. You have Wall Street living in La LA Land and thinking everything is all rosy and great; while in the real world things are scary as hell and people are scared out of their wits wondering if they will have a job tomorrow or next week. They are wondering if they will be able to keep their house or feed their families or pay the utilities. You have millions out of work and hoping that their benefits will keep them going until they do find a job. The corporations are paying out these huge salaries to their executives and then they pay them even bigger bonuses in an economy that is one of the worst in decades. They, and Congress, wonder why people are so damn upset with them right now, but I might be wrong about both of them, too. This country is in tremendous turmoil right now and those who are in Corporate America are totally oblivious to the plight and distress of the Middle Class in this country. Not only them but, in my opinion, the Republican part and the Tea Party. They, and others in Washington, are out of touch, in some cases completely, with reality of what is happening in this country. The bitch and moan about the President trying to reign in healthcare costs and try and do the right thing so people can have healthcare and be well and productive. The cry like little brats when the people of this country wanted Wall Street reform so that what happened in the recent past will, hopefully, not be repeated again. These are things that needed to be done for the betterment of this country, but there are those who want the status quote to continue and for people not to know what goes on behind closed doors; the deals and secret handshakes and the like. This is what is Corporatism is, in my humble opinion. The takeover of this country and how it is run by the corporations . They say it is for the best for the country, but in reality is is what is best for them and they bottom line and their executives and boards of directors pockets. I think the shareholders of corporations should use their own power to make them fly straighter, but I don’t see that happening any time soon. I can only hope that this country can rise above all of this Corporatism and become better than what is was yesterday.


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