Day Two.

Well I am on Day two of keeping a journal, or at least attempting to. I am getting really bad at this shit, I can feel it already. -sigh- oh well.

Not much going on today. I am at my grandparents house, it is going really good. I feel like I am really welcomed here. It feels good to just be myself, and not have to worry about anyone judging me. Its really nice. I am new to this.

I slept pretty well last night, other than a couple of bad nightmares. Only two nightmares in one night, wasn't too bad though, considering. My mind has been on a lot of shit lately, but most of it is stupid shit that A pulled on me.

I loved her, God knows I loved her, Anyone who knew her and knew me that I would have given my last breath to save her life. I Loved her. Damn. But she killed me emotionally. She tore me apart inside.

She is twisted. I know she can't help it. I know she is sick. I know she has a disorder where she can't help but hurt the people she love. I know she can't see past herself, I wish I could have helped her. But I couldn't. I wanted to help her, but she didn't want to help herself and as much as I wanted to help her I couldn't. I couldn't help someone who didn't want help.

She is dying every single day. She is hurting the people around her, and soon she won't have anyone. I love her. I will never stop loving her, but I can't be a part of her life Not anymore. and it kills me.

Well maybe I'll write more later, now I am just going to relax, watch Child's play and relax and maybe take a nap soon..

*Till Next time. xoxo*


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