"I noticed you haven't been eating much and I am worried."

I remember exactly when I got that text. It was about a month after I moved to a new town, and I had been dealing with the change of scene very poorly. My mood worsened considerably; I hadn't been eating well or sleeping much. In fact, I hadn't been doing very much of anything at all. I was, however, constantly communicating with this person via long-distance text. I thought it was easy to act happy with him since emotion does not translate well into text. The only infomation he had about my life was what I gave him. But still, he noticed.

Even though it was late at night, I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. I was sad and anxious and had lost my appetite. Suddenly, I got a text saying, "Have you eaten anything today?" I was stunned. I hesitantly replied, "Yes… Why do you ask?" Tears had begun to form as I waited for his reply. He said he was worried about me. He was worried about me. He was concerned for my health even though I clearly wasn't.

And more amazingly, what touched me the most is that he had to figure it out on his own. I hadn't told him that I was depressed and I never directly mentioned anything about my eating habits. He had simply been paying attention to me.However unemotional my texts were, he managed to look deeper. I realized that if he cared about me this much, maybe I should too.

That night, I ate a large, late dinner with tears running down my face.

I think everyone has someone. Even though I didn't know it, there was always someone who cared about me. There was someone who was paying attention. And even if you don't know it, someone cares about you, too.

  1. Pelle_Ohlin 12 years ago

    I do not know… I wish I could say you are right but I do not really know…

    The only person I have tried to be in contact with for the last couple of months suddenly stopped answering my messages… I know she has her own serious problems too but I gradually lose the rest of hope I had…

    It looks like I am the only one to stay here and there is no person capable of helping me during these hard days…


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  2. PrettyLucky 12 years ago

    No! I know it! I think the important thing is that even though they are very important to you, it's not best to fully rely on them to make you happy. It sucks, but I think that it's important. I am having troubles with this, too. And perhaps the person that cares about you is thinking about you at this very moment, whether it's this girl you are talking about who just got caught up or someone you never thought would care who doesn't have the nerve to tell you. Please don't lose hope.

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