Hello Tribe

I really don’t know where to start..i was diagnosed with major depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, borderline personality disorder, and some other stuff. I also am an alcoholic (doing better) but not completley.
I spoke to my therapist today as there was a scheduled session and it helped, but I can’t help how anxious I am right now..and feeling extremely low.. so here I am?..

Feeling super not ok…   =(

  1. jessiie 4 years ago

    Hi! It’s really brave of you to reach out and it is okay to have bad days. I have anxiety too and I have days where I just want to cry all the time, but be strong, you will have good days too, just hang in there 🙂

    1 kudos
  2. aquazium 4 years ago

    It’s okay to be not okay sometimes, you’re gonna make it through this!

    1 kudos
    • Author
      brokencrayon 4 years ago

      thank you aquazium…i appreciate it very much and im really thankful for all of the support and kindness I am recieving… thank you

      0 kudos

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