So anyway…I’ve started working at this new homeless centre, which provides affordable accommodation for 16-25 year old homeless. It’s a cool place tbh but very full on. Had some serious issues with drugs last few weeks and I had to sit in on a forced eviction because a guy was found with drugs in his room. Shame he was a good guy, got his first job, but they have zero tolerance. Also I got attacked by a tiny 16-year-old girl whose gyro hadn’t turned up in the mail and she figured someone stole it and took it out on me. I just hid in the office and called up security…maintaining my cool 🙂
But you know what was more scary…..was on the bus going home and only me, 3 guys between 19 and 22 I think, and a girl about 21. The guys where together and they where going to a specific stop (I over heard which) and about 30 mins into trip they started being really cruel to the girl, teasing her and making fun. Then they started grabbing her and grouping her body…she slapped one of em and went to get off the bus but they followed her….way before their stop…so I had said to cut it out but now I’m thinking oh shit, anything could happen if the catch up to her. So I got off the bus and walked along side her all the way to her house. They followed us the whole way giving it plenty of mouth and finally they split off and walked to their stop. I walked her to her house and then went back to catch the next bus…due in an hour…but if something had happened to her….I would never have forgiven myself. And in case there is any confusion…there where not low life scum types (although they where) they where university guys…all very affluent. Big guys to so they could very easily taken me apart. Didn’t realise how scary a situation it was until I got home. Animals. If it had been their mum or sister being treated like that they would have freaked. I was disgusted. Strange I deal with very aggressive unstable people all day, and it’s the university guys that are the biggest threat.

1 Comment
  1. cari 17 years ago

    Wow! That’s a crazy situation to be in! I’m so glad you walked that girl home! I know she must have appreciated that. I know for one I would be terrified in that situation. Way to be there! Ya know I’ve seen tapes on TV before of real situations like that where people didn’t get involved…thank god for people like you! Glad you were alright in the end…

    0 kudos

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