I’m not sure what triggered this thought but I remembered a friend from high school lets call her Stacey. Stacey and I weren’t that close but we hung out every know and then. I remember this one time I was critiquing my friends painting which in hindsight was a dick move on my part. My friend fired back saying that no one liked me. Stacey clapped back and said “HEY! dont say that. I like her. She’s my friend.” I’ll never forget that moment. I honestly didn’t expect it from her but I really appreciated that she stuck up for me in that moment. Another moment I remembered with Stacey is we were planning to go to a party together but I canceled last minute. She made it really clear that she was not okay with me canceling last minute…. I know that’s such an odd memory to remember but I like how assertive she was and how she wasn’t afraid to express herself and something that made her upset. I admire that about her and always will. Fast forward to today. She removed me off of Facebook about 5 years ago for some reason… I added her back, she accepted then removed me again. I’m not sure why she did that. It really hurt me for a good couple years or so but I’m over it now. She was a friend for a season. I appreciate the lessons she taught me about being assertive, sticking up for people and not being afraid to tell people when they have disappointed me.  I think it’s a good quality to have to be able to stick up for yourself. How else are people going to know how to treat you? Thanks Stacey for the lessons I hope you live a happy life.


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