So, it's getting harder for me to post during the day because has the day goes on, the more I shut down and Just don't bother posting.


it seems the most energy I have is the alte night- dark morning. so…yeah. sorry. (like anyone really cares)


but for a moment yesterday there was a forced peace between me and mom but by that night it was blown straight into hell.


and it got bad, I was crying and cutting for hours. she got really verbally abusive. threating me, and demeaning my pain.


then after all of that, she said she forgave ME, and she still 'Loves' me! WHAT THE FUCK!? she should be apologizing!


but she said she had nothing to be sorry for! and she pinned the blame all on me. and my brother just stood by not even throwing me a life jacket.


Now I know where he stands. and as far as april- (she's not a mother, so i won't even call her such) I'M DONE, this was the very last straw!


I will never forgive her and I told her I'm tired of being her scape goat and that I don't consider her to be a mother.


today she better not so much as look at me, because I'm not taking her shit. her abuse, her treating me less then dirt. i'm done.


Once, long ago it seems, I had faith in God. it was strong, but now. I'm alone, I see him no where to be seen, and i have lost it.


it's sad to say but I have and all I want, All I 'pray' for is death. If he really is listening anymore. that's the least he could do.


I give up. I refuse to be apart of this kind of world any more.


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