I remember in school that I sucked at history.  All the names and dates kept my mind boggled and I screwed things up all the time.

When I got into more of understanding history, everything fell into place.  I got the ideas and policies down but yes, I still screwed up the names and dates.

In the end though… the things I learned are simple.  If we don’t learn WHAT we did wrong, then we’ll repeat it.  Every day now, I turn on the news on TV or pull up an app and I see us repeating history.  In my youth, I voiced my opinion and tried my best to change people’s minds or at least get them to SEE the other side.

Even though all of the Supreme Court had said they’d leave Roe v Wade alone, they didn’t and look at our country now.  Potential jailing to take some to have an abortion, know someone is going to get one, or performing one.  Forget any moral decency involving details… just flat out no.  If our leaders are willing to o this, when will they tun their attention toward gay marriage?

I’ve had people tell me they were against originally and I simply ask them to explain to me WHY?  Every time was the same.. Church.  I informed them I not asking the church to recognize my marriage, just the organization that runs everything.. government.  I had to explain that marriage give you certain rites as a spouse and none of those are religious.  Some stuck to their guns and said GOD would be offended and I told them.. I’ll deal with God when I die, right now, I want to be able to be there for my spouse if anything like an emergency happens.  I want to be able to be there for each other in our lives with all the legal benefits.

I watch or read and all I think of is “is the how Nazi Germany started to form?  All loud hateful talk that just grows and grows??”  I realize I had a Public School education but I got it.  The same talk that started their crazy is showing up today.  Watching these things and going through other crap in my life… just makes me want to sleep my day away or move somewhere off grid with my collection of books and hide.



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