hello guys! its been wonderfull hearing all your comments, alerting me and knowcking some sense into me. truth is, that guy was a sham, he stopped calling just days after the status disclosure. it hurt, as usualy. but i got over it. i did meet someone else. about two weeks ago online. things ahve been good so far and im meeting him next weekend.
but all thats not the reason im writtting today. next week im due for my checkup. this january my doctoer discovered that my CD4 cells had dropped below 350 and that i was due to start ARVs. My Ex, then Boyfrined felt he had to makeup for hurting me half through the year of 2010 and added me onto his Medical Aid to assist me with the medication and ease the burden on me. i accepted the offer but it turned out i could only use the medical aid in may. i had discussed not starting treatment right away with my counsilor who then recommended i use centrum concurrently with REVIVO. i was already using revivo. so thus far thats what im taking.
however during february i experienced a lot of stress. with my sister dumping our business onto me and blaming me for her problems and leaving without saying. abd my ex telling me tto breakup because he'd cheated, on top of that, business was not going well. im worried because during october, november and december last year i went thrugh a lot of stress and thus the decreased Cd4 cells. now my aim was to make sure they increase at all costs. i thought my sister now understood this and was supporting me but she wasnt doing anything sincerely. so i was again faced with things alone.
my boyfriend (online guy) keeps telling me to stop stressing and that things will be fine. but i dont know…its not that simple
thanks guys…im definately going to try the meditation…and hope it will help!