I don’t know what to say. So hello to whoever uses this. I don’t know where I’m going in life, I can’t really explain it but I feel like I’ve lived a life similar to this but just better. In every single way. And I’m living in the worst possible version of myself. I want to study astronomy but I’m not smart enough and never will be. I could also never get into a good school for it considering I graduated with a .8 gpa. I’m truly a disappointment in every single way.

1 Comment
  1. mrteaowl 9 months ago

    You are not a disappointment. I just know when it comes to learning, everyone has different ways of learning. I have always been a bit terrible with school. I’ve always hated sitting in classrooms trying to memorize everything. I’ve always been the hands on learner. Here’s a quote I have always kept with me:

    “Don’t let school get in the way of your education.” – Mark Twain.

    There were many people in the 1800’s and early 1900’s who didn’t have an education, but became wealthy people. Their education was them working through a lot of things in their own way. Formal education doesn’t mean you can’t get what you need. There is all sort of things you can do, just got to be open to the possibilities.

    Best way I can say this is: There is always hope. Just have to be creative.

    0 kudos

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