Hi to anyone reading.  Just wanted to log on real quick and say this…  I was talking to this guy today about signing up for karate (which I eventually did commit to attend a couple of lessons), and he said something that made me a bit annoyed. 

He was asking me, "Do you have any physical concerns, asthma, heart conditions…" and the like, and then he said "how about mental disorders, multiple personality, schizophrenia, anything crazy?" He was joking, and said it with a smile, and maybe it\’s not a big deal, but it offended me. 

Firstly, in what way would a mental disorder make me an unsuited candidate for a contact sport?  And secondly, is it ever appropriate to make jokes about autism?  Down Syndrome?  Epilepsy?  No, of course not.  Then why would it be acceptable to make jokes about mental disorders?  In my opinion, this was a very distasteful thing to say.  Should I have said something to him?  I didn\’t know what to say at the time. 

I did have mental disorders- ocd, depression, and some symptoms of schizophrenia, but my mother was sitting there next to me shaking her head and telling him, no, I did not have any mental disorders, and I hadn\’t quite realized how much his comment had affected me til after.  Any advice?  I kind of wish I hadn\’t agreed to take a class with this man.  Am I out of line?  Was this just a simple little joke?  Probably, but this guy is clearly ignorant.  I only commited to taking two classes sometime next week.  Should I attend those?  What about any future classes? Thanks everyone for reading.  I should probably have another blog written on Wednesday, cuz that\’s the day of my psych appointment.  Bye!

1 Comment
  1. Author
    casper 16 years ago

    Hello weasel232k,The man who said this to you probably thinks he was funny?.Lots of people are ignorant or do not know,understand or care about ocd,etc.I found that out myself.I remember saying sorry for my behaviour in company as i was scared to talk about it incase everyone thought i  was nuts because I didnt know until I was diagnosed . Until i read about my condition and yes it can be described as a mental illness/condition .Its not a thing people in karate can catch is it .In the book i read 1 quote stayed in my mind.It was about my condition and it was, would you appologise or be ashamed if you had diabetes,epilepsy,allergys,eating dissorders or any other dissability no.You should take your classes and not let words stop you.I think you will,you sound very strong.Well gud lk.bye


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