Yesterday afternoon, just as I was about to go out to the dentist someone from the estate agent turned up unannounced to inspect my flat. He said he'd written to me weeks ago, but I'd not received the letter. He didn't take long and he installed a smoke alarm, which is good I suppose. After the dentist I went for a walk in Hadleigh Woods, which made me feel better for a while, though I lost my bus ticket and had to walk several miles home.

I did receive a letter from the estate agent recently informing me that I was going to receive another visit from an electrician to carry out some repairs. The electrician who did the inspection recently didn't tell me that any work needed doing. Since I got the letter I've been worrying, not knowing what they were going to do,when, or how long it would take, until they called me on Tuesday.

So this morning another electrician came. That meant I had to get up early so I've only had about three hours' sleep.He was here about six hours putting in a new fuse box and doing some other stuff. While he was here he found a fault and went into the loft where he discovered that something had been chewing through the cables, so that means I'll have to have new wiring put in.

Shortly after the electrician left, when I'd just started cleaning up afterwards, I got a phone call from a pest control man that the estate agent must have called after being contacted by the electrician. So he's been and just gone and I've got to decontaminate everything again (they both used the toilet).

So I'm going to have to endure another visit from the electrician, presumably from the pest control man, and a plumber to fix my bath. I told the estate agent yesterday I needed a plumber but I've heard nothing back yet.This is all making me very stressed and anxious.

  1. Paul_Atreides 8 years ago

    These days sounds very stressfull and I feel with you, because knowing the feeling of "unevitable invasions" of the flat. Do you already know the upcoming dates? When the dates are all nearby, maybe you can use it for trying accept some contamination at least for a short period and decontaminate only after the last date or decontaminate a "bit more sloppy than usual" until the last visit pasts. I dont know, if I could do it, but maybe its worth a try.

    However: you get through it, however you decide to do!

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  2. davidback 8 years ago

    People don't realize how much these things stress us out. I hate having people in to fix things and it sends my anxiety through the roof. Even when little things happen the thought that work has to be done by someone inside the house makes life unbearable. No-one understands.

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  3. maryanne 8 years ago

    Sounds like you have had your fair share of workmen about!  I hate it when they come and touch my personal stuff (which is anything in the house).  It will all be worth it in the end – you'll have lots of improvements made.  That's what I try to concentrate on when someone comes in to do something at my house.  The only problem is that it is usually nothing that you can see or point to and say, "How do you like my new so and so?"  Know you are not alone.  Lots of us feel the same way.

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