So I don't really know what to say but I haven't really written any these past couple of weeks…Woke up super late today…. Bad. I got ready for school in literally 2 minutes and was out the door to run to the bus stop… Luckily I had called my boyfriend to hold the bus for me and I just made it. That would have been really bad because my mother would have killed me if I missed the bus… So I have no sweatshirt right now. I feel really naked without it. I'm a really self conscious person and I just need that sweatshirt to not feel so self conscious.

So my room looks awesome. I still need to do some final touches (basically just giving everything a spot so it doesn't look so messy) and we still are missing a couple things but I might not get those for a while. I still need a cactus (lolz. Yes I want one of those mini cacti just because) and my mother suggested this really cool light fixture for my room. Though we need some christmas looking lights for that and we so far have come up empty handed. But after that I'm done. Oh plus I have to put up some glow-in-the-dark spray paint on my walls randomly. So my room glows when I turn on my black light… hehehe. I do love my room though.

Spring break starts officially in like 5 hours!!! Super excited!!! My body is ready (as you can tell with it not waking up this morning)… I (along with the rest of the school) have been waiting for this for oh so long. Everyone is just done with school and their classes. Me, I honestly done with english. I'm failing that class….. Which makes me depressed because I'm supposed to absolutely love that class. I mean, I'm writer and I'm failing english. It's just… It's not that it's physically hard it's just I'm ultra forgetful and my teacher is just really wishy washy (you know those types who will tell you to do something one day and then the next day tell you not to do it…. and then 2 days later asked for whatever it was that she told you NOT to do…). So I never know what is due and I really am trying. I try with all my classes (though some of friends and even mother would say I don't). I just… I don't want to talk about it… It makes me depressed and today I'm suppose to be happy.

I'm going to get off here. I'm in study hall so I should be studying or something… Though I really have nothing to do, sitting her writing about nothing is not really helping anything. In fact since I brought up my grades I've just gotten depressed… I'll write later when I'm in a better mood or something. I have some healing or distracting of the mind to do… Bye y'all.


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