Ah yes, again I debate possible future careers. I believe I mentioned in the last thing I wrote I wanted to live life just rolling with it. See what opportunities arise. Where shall I begin on all the things I’ve thought of doing recently.

I’ve pondered being a dog trainer. Positive reinforcement, getting to work with animals I love, help channel their energy and intelligence, help owners deal with problems and teach them how to properly train. Sounds good to me. I’ve dealt with dogs all my life and now I’m in the progress of getting a service dog. I’ll be self training entirely (except for 1 or 2 basic obedience classes to freshen up on skills from professionals), there is no way I can walk away from that without knowledge on the subject. Every dog is different-I can understand that. I wonder if I will enjoy it so much that I might want to continue with it. There are training places pretty close by. I see on their sites they offer a sort of internship. Others flat out want to train you for it if you’re interested in the field.

Maybe a freelance writer? There is significantly more to it than I once thought. I knew it’s a self employed type of deal and you set your rate but if you’re becoming more serious about the career you probably want to set up a separate bank account just in case of legal mix-ups. Like any job there is a lot of time and effort but would it be something I would enjoy? I like writing, I’ve done it every since I can remember but as far as how much money you could make. . .is it worth it and would I be any good at it? Many earn a lot less than expected but marketing is key, sure, start small but with proper marketing of yourself and business and your earning could be unlimited. The idea originally came to me thinking of jobs that could work for my mom. She has extremely crippling illness and it makes it hard to get out there to do a job, plus she hasn’t worked in YEARS. Sadly she has no choice now. I’d love to work as well but with my anxiety it makes it hard to do things like that. So why don’t we work from home? Though it may be difficult to get “established” and spot jobs that aren’t phony when it comes to searching for ads requesting writers.

It’s hard to plan your future especially when you’re going into it feeling pretty blind. There are so many things out there and I want to do them all. I want live life to the fullest and do the things I like to do. No matter how random. Maybe one day it’ll make a cool story.

So what exactly is it I want to do in my life? I don’t say “with” because I’m not talking about a career. Just some things I want to eventually do or try.

Aerial silks has been something I’ve been in awe of.  It came to me as an idea because I have scoliosis. Yoga is suppose to keep it in check I guess. Its not too obvious or anything I don’t believe but it’s suppose to help. I like yoga and I’m all for it but it’s hard for me to do things like that and keep up and I forget to do workouts so what if I did something I had to go to class for? Sure I could go to yoga classes but I just don’t think Its my kind of workout. I want to be stronger, leaner, more flexible, and do something different. So I thought what is like yoga or better? Aerial silks of course. I went to cirque du soleil once and it was magical for me personally. I think it was called Dralion. They did amazing things with silks. I’m not sure if that’s my cup of tea either but taking a class certainly wouldn’t hurt.

I love animals of all kinds and I have spent a lot of my time watching documentaries on animals. Land, ocean, big, and small. Animals in all sorts of places from around the world, African desserts, Asian jungles, North American prairies, British mountains. It all fascinates me and I love to work with animals. Id like to volunteer at both the Bambelela sanctuary in Bela Bela south Africa and C.A.R.E Baboon sanctuary in Phalaborwa, south Africa. Those are just two I have in my head, they could change or I may want to do more. Also the sea turtle conservation in Costa Rica I think would be lovely to be a part of. I’m into travel despite my anxieties. If I had someone with me it wouldn’t be so daunting but yeah being able to travel to volunteer those things would be amazing.

I’d like to pick up Dog Frisbee with my dog (The one I’ll be getting for a service dog). It’ll be a fun activity that’ll get us both out, keep me active, fight depression, and keep the dog healthy and happy.

Audition for something. I don’t actually want to be in a play or movie but I want to audition as a behavioral exercise. I guess that’s the best way I could put it. I auditioned for a play once before and got in but it was just a side part in a silly play. It was mostly fun but it wasn’t my thing. I just want to put myself out there in such a way. Seems kind of a weird thing to want to do but I enjoyed the audition I did. I was shaking at one part and didn’t feel that I was actually acting well so I was confused to why I was picked along with my partner I auditioned with over the 50 others that auditioned. It was fun though and I want to do it again but in a more professional setting. Why not right? That’s got to be a great exercise for the anxiety.

Take writing courses online to improve my skills for a potential future job, if not for a job then definitely for the fun of it. I could see that being worth it. Having a few classes on the subject could be very beneficial.

There are so many other things I’ve looked into in the past but these are the things that have been circulating around me recently so I wanted to put it out there, maybe something will come of it one day soon.

1 Comment
  1. kittypet10 7 years ago

    You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. I have a meme on my phone that I would like to share with you. It says:

    Find Three Hobbies You Love:
    One to make you money
    One to keep you in shape
    and one to be creative

    You can do everything that inspires you if you put your mind to it.

    0 kudos

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