Maybe for my first blog I should talk about myself or write somthing terribly interesting, but right this moment I just need an outlet. Just a stream of consciousness type post because everything is getting overwhelming in my head right now and its driving me crazy. I feel angry, sad, lonely, and confused becuase I have no idea why I feel this way. I never used to get stuck in these emotional ruts for so long and I'm usually such a self aware person I can target what is upseting me but right now it eludes me ompletely. I have an incredible boyfriend, my best friend in the whole world but I feel like I'm making him unhappy and pushing him away. He thinks I'm mad at him and tries to help but often it doesn't do much for my mood. All the love he gives me used to help but now it seems like empty gestures even though I know its not. I just can't seem to feel it too and let it make me feel better. I can't tell if its more comfortable in my rut so I can't get out by choice or if it just is how I am feeling and I can't do anything about it. I'm terrified to lose him. When I get like this he tries to help and he is ther for me so I find myself directing the feelings at him when they really have nothing to do with him. I obsess over all these sad thoughts and am so incredibly hard on myself. This is worse with finals stress right now at school and it seems that when I take adderall lately it makes these emotional ruts and saddness so much worse. I should stop using them but I need them to do work. My insecurities and obsessions and emotional rut are just starting to eat me alive, and aside from my obsessions I've always been able to control the other two. They've never been this bad before and its scary not knowing why I feel like this or how to change it. Prozac took away all the highs and the lows so I don't want to go back on that. I'm just struggling right now with how to deal with these emotions and how to deal with this rut.

1 Comment
  1. sgoralnick 12 years ago

    Thank you so much for commenting I wasn't sure anyone would lol hmm I didn't think of it liek that, yea I might have a touch of  realtionsip OCD. I do think the obsessive part of my personality definitely bleeds into other aspects of my life inclusing my relationship. Especially since we are long distance so I don't have that physical reassuring presense. But your definitely right I have to distract myself. I've told him how I feel but it doesn't always help. I just feel bad because lately I've been feeling really depressed which has never been this much of a problem before and since he is there I think I take that confusion, anger and saddness out on him. He tries to help and make me feel better and when he can't I get more frustrated and angry so he gets the brunt of it even when its not his fault. I've talked to him about it ebfore and explained it but I still feel bad.

    I originally joined the site becuase my main OCD is phobia related. Recently though I've become more aware of just the fact that I have an obsessive kind of personality in other areas, although the phobia is really the biggest, most upsetting aspect

    How do you stop fighting the obsessions? Are there any medications that your on or that have helped you?

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