Hello to all!  This is shout out for HELP!! I don\'t know what to do to help my partner with advenced HIV, heres the problem, we live in TN, about 40mi from Nashville We found out in Dec, of last year my partner has advanced HIV.  My partner was 64 at the time, and just before his medacare kicked in… So I had time to find the best suplement In, so now he has no deductable for doctor visits, but I had to get a separate prescription plan, so I got the prescription plan, and that\'s where the problem starts!  the medicine  that the doctor wants to put him on comes with $500.00 "copay which in no way can we afford .I have watched a robust 224lb. man drop down to 176lb. and still no one seems to be able to help him get his medicine . does this mean I have to watch my partner die of this disease because there seems to be no help for him in Tennessee ? I\'ve talked to everyone I know of to no avail .I feel so helpless. and is destroying me to watch this man I love dying in front of my eyes. he doesn\'t qualify for Ryan white, because they say he makes $200.00 a month too much, the pharmacy reps has turned him down because he has a prescription plan . I feel like I\'m banging my head up against a wall. so if anybody knows of any way I can get help for my partner please please drop me a line.  and thank you all who is taking time to read this

                                warmest regards to all ; Daniel

  1. j_powell01 16 years ago

    I don’t know where you live but, here in California, we have a program called ADAP. I don’t know if it is the same where you arte but, you might try contacting your local Health department  to see if there is anything available where you are. I don’t know if this helps, however, know you are both in my thoughts.

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  2. LoriB 16 years ago

    I agree with angel you need to speak with a case manager, I don’t know about TN but here in NM we have an AIDS waiver program and it is run through the Elderly and Disabled Department of the State Department of Health, it is for people who are real sick and it sounds like your partner might qualify.

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  3. toddscat 16 years ago

    Hey Buddy,  We seen a social worker also but when we told them that there was no way we could aford a $500.00 co pay that we would have to pay she said she did not know of any help out there for us see we make 200.00 a month to much… that means can’t get help from ryan white grant… and the drug compane Rep’s turned him down becuse he has a prescription plan

    The first place I went was the health dep they they got me in contac with Nashville cares (that don’t care)  I promies I have tryed everything I can think of.  I just don’t know what to do at this point, but it’s the hardest thing to wach the person you have spent 15 years with slowly die right in front of my eyes, and I know what hard is… my dad just died last week .

                     Thank you tho for your concern Hugs from Daniel

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