I made new plans for all the amazing things I’m going to do. I’ll be so accomplished, do everything I ever dreamed of. I have it written in a planner, denoted year by year. A perfect timeline for a perfect life.

But I don’t like that too much. It’s important to remember that I’m not meant to be waiting for life to start. I shouldn’t base my joy on the passing of certain milestones. Life has already started, did a long time ago. I’m in the middle of it so I should enjoy it already.

I don’t have the dream job but I do have A job. It’s a good one too. It helps me build not only my confidence but my practical abilities and endurance. It helps me build toughness of character and to let go of silly and small insecurities. To lose the fear of other people.

I also have the opportunity to interact with people in a controlled way that I enjoy. Be a little creative, and capture moments for people to look back on. It’s really not bad and I shouldn’t belittle it the way that I do.

I asked my coworker the other day if they ever felt their life was slipping away. They didn’t understand at all, didn’t seem to feel like I did. Makes sense considered they are doing more with their life than me. Academically and socially thriving. But I realize that I have no reason to feel as if anything is slipping away. I am doing things.

I can create now.

Enjoy now.

Take pride now.

There’s no need to wait for anything at all.

I can have everything I desire from the future if I’m only willing to see it in the present.

I have love all around me, and the opportunity to be of service to others.

Nothing’s as bad as it seems.

  1. lacey7 2 years ago

    Orange Tree,

    I enjoyed your blog!

    You make a huge difference in the world everyday!

    I am excited for you both in the present and what is around the bend!

    I think that your attitude of living fully in the present verses towards dates in in a planner is wise!

    0 kudos
    • Author
      orangetree 2 years ago

      thank you! it’s so easy to forget, i was actually feeling crappy and saw this last blog post and i feel better.
      if we can lock down a good outlook on life then we might just figure this thing out.

      0 kudos
  2. agm1719 2 years ago

    Hi there! I find it very inspirational how you stay in tune with the present. Many struggle with wanting to get to the future without taking the time to realize how beautiful and impactful our present can be. Your gratitude is beautiful and your mindfulness is refreshing. Keep enjoying where you are and creating new chapters of your life.

    0 kudos
    • Author
      orangetree 2 years ago

      thank you! i don’t have it all quite down but every once in a while it hits me that there’s always good things in life, even if there are bad things too.

      have a good day! i hope you find something nice that makes you happy 🙂

      0 kudos

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