Firstly, i just want to thank those who commented on my hospital visit blog. you know who you are, and I thank you for your words.

Appart from my wrist being sore, I havn’t been feeling too good. I have had a sore throat, sore ears, headachy and just generally run down the last few days. I think i might be getting tonsilitis, as I get it quite often, and this is how it starts. Its simply the worst time for me to be getting sick. I have assignments coming out of my ears, and i can’t seem to focus on any of them.

I’m sick of these power trips that people i know are on right now. The american in my class sent me a comment on Facebook saying "Sorry your not feeling well, but I want you to come to my place on Sunday, I want everyone to have drafts into hilda on wednesday".. (hilda being the teacher). OMFG, This particular subject assesment is not due for a month or so, and i have many that are due way before this one. I can’t handle this crap.. who the hell does he think he is? honestly.. hes not the teacher. I really don’t know what i’m going to do about him. I really can’t be bothered spending my little energy that i DO have on him.

Its not just him that is on a powertrip. There are ppl here (on DT) that seem to think that they are just kings of DT and thier word is law. I’m sorry to say that you ARE NOT.. get off your fucking pedistool. ON that too, i wish that people would simply stop picking on my friends. Its not fair.

On a good note, I haven’t drunk in 2 days, mostly due to the fact that i’ve been feeling so crappy. I might have a few tonight however.


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