It's been a very busy day. My husband left early this morning to take my car up to his Dad's and fix it. It's fixed and we got it balanced, rotated and alignment done on the tires as well. Yaay ~ happy car!

While we were waiting for the tire place to call us we ran all over town from store to store. I think we visited 6 different places before we were finished and I dropped Aaron back off to get the car (I was driving his truck ).

I've been wanting to change my haircolor back to blonde for a while now, but it would cost me $100 to have it done professionally. So I got smart and went to the beauty supply store and got everything I needed for a quarter of that! When we came home I did all the work on my hair to remove the old color (it took more than an hour but it came out great) and then helped Zachary build with clay for awhile. We had fun getting dirty and he was happy with his angry bird figures. Told you he gets stuck on one thing!

I got to take a nice nap afterwards and then my Mom ended up watching Zachary and Aaron and I went out to dinner at a Japanese Steak House. I LOVE eating there ~ but it's so much food! That's okay because tomorrow I'm going to have it for lunch. 😉

So now we're home for the evening and probably are going to go to bed shortly. I'm really tired and want to get some good sleep tonight before I'm up wandering again. Hopefully I won't wander at all.

I got to spend quality time with both my son and my husband today and that made me really happy. They're watching Batman right now but I'm okay with that after the day we've had. Besides, how can I complain when I'm on the computer anyhow, lol?

One bad thing did happen today.My Mom's car quit. When she opened up the hood when she got home it had spewed oil and water all over the place. So now she has no car. I'm letting her drive mine to work tomorrow, and then onTuesday and Wednesday we're probably going to go car shopping for a new car for her. This problem doesn't look fixable. It looks like her engine blew up.

That's all from this end, just a synopsis of my day. I hope everyone had as nice a day as I did, even if it was hectic. (HUGS)to all my friends!

1 Comment
  1. ancientgeekcrone 11 years ago

    Dear Keya

    It’s so nice to hear you had a nice day.      Sorry about Mom’s car. 

    Hugs xoxo Mary.

    0 kudos

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