I hate judgemental people
Aquazium, , Depression, Uncategorized, 4
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I hate people that don’t use their judgement.
I don’t think that was very helpful for a mental health forum about anxiety. She’s speaking people being judgmental of others, not of people ignoring using their best judgment in life situations. Let’s try to be kind on here.
Definitely same. Being kind is all we really need to be. Expressing understanding, viewing people as constantly doing their best, showing the recognition that each of us have very own experiences that have lead us to be exactly as we are today and our experiences are different Han anyone else’s. These are things people need to think about. One of my biggest saying used to be “curiosity over fear.”
To be judgmental typically means you are scared of something you don’t understand. People need to get curious! Speak to learn about other people. Love other people. Be kind to other people. Judgment sucks. And it hurts me most this week from the people that judge me based on my past. Or people who shame and angry with me for not showing up when my head is literally on the verge completely breaking open. Or people who judge so hard that they abandon me because I wasn’t able to be exactly what they wanted.
I’m having a hard time with understanding how people can be so mean and judgmental. Why is that where they want to focus all their energy? How is that benefitting their mind and life? It’s just harmful and we’re all human. People should uplift instead of sending out all that negativity. people suck. And it’s hard to manage around.
I agree 100%, People suck and are Judgmental!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!