My three days off was great. My first day off I went to Temple Bar Square. I brought my...
Why? Oh why do people keep trying to get me to go to bingo. I went once a while...
Self Interview – A Little Break Through in Understanding.
sarah, , OCD, Anxiety, Career, Child, Domestic Abuse, Eating Disorder, Grief, Obesity, Questions, Relationships, Therapist, Weight Loss, 2I went to the gym today and realised I gained a kilo. I became very very very very upset....
Watch Me Open Pandora’s Box
sarah, , OCD, Anxiety, Career, Child, Depression, Eating Disorder, Grief, Medication, Obesity, OCD, Relationships, Self Esteem, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety, Stress, Suicide, Weight Loss, 2I have other existing problems, which I recognize are not OCD but perhaps a part of it. I have...
My anxiety.. A lil info on me
miss_renee, , Anxiety, Addiction, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Eating Disorder, Gambling, OCD, Personality Disorder, Psychosis, PTSD, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Suicide, Therapy, 01. Whats your official diagnosis? Major Depressive Disorder….Anxiety Disorder 2. What do you think you have? Definately both those…probably...
I feel that I should tell you alittle more about myself. As a child I used to spend nights...
The tiredness persists…
BD, , Depression, Anxiety, Child, Eating Disorder, Sex Therapy, Sleep Disorders, Stress, 0I feel breathless at night. It’s very wierd. I was lying down, and I’ve been sitting up for 5...
arianrhodschild86, , Depression, Child, Depression, Eating Disorder, Grief, Infertility, Questions, Suicide, 1I dont know why it just hit me now, after my 5th miscarriage on teh 3rd. I am falling...