JACKPOT338is a web-based-centered lottery dealership and on-collection lotto web site, the main lottery playing organization in Indonesia, which offers...
A little of sadness inside my Happiness
Littlewing, , Depression, Marriage & Family, Career, Child, Gambling, Questions, Relationships, 0I start to think that I have some unhealthy habits. That have lead me to do things I think...
I felt the urge to write. It’s been a while since I’ve last done this and figured an update...
My experience of bi-polar disorder
WhoAmI2, , Depression, Depression, Gambling, Medication, Obesity, 2For the first thirty-seven years (now 56) of my life I was a relatively happy person, who used to...
Use of Spiritual Disciplines to Support Reovery from Addiction
JanWSOS, , Addiction, Addiction, Gambling, Religion, Sleep Disorders, Spirituality, Therapy, 0Addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, the internet (Facebook, games, pornography, etc.) is so powerful that many find that seeking...
Can Of Worms Ramble
ambivalentFriability, , Depression, Anger, Gambling, Parenting, Relationships, Stress, Therapist, 0I wonder if my dad knows that whenever I talk to him politely, it's fake?I treat him very similarly...
Do You Have a Gambling Problem in Addition to Your Drug or Alcohol Problem?
JanWSOS, , Addiction, Addiction, Depression, Gambling, Questions, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, 0In a recent study published in ISRN Addiction and summarizedhere, researchers highlighted the issue of gambling addiction in persons...
Are There Any Sleep Medications That Do Not Endanger Recovery?
JanWSOS, , Addiction, Addiction, Anxiety, Gambling, Medication, Sex Therapy, Sleep Disorders, 0My answer is, "Probably Not", but with explanation. Generally speaking, individuals in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction tend...
Internet Addiction: Do You Have a Problem?
JanWSOS, , Addiction, Addiction, Career, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Gambling, Relationships, Therapy, Weight Loss, 0Individuals in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction tend to be vulnerable to developing other compulsive behaviors that might...