Hi everyone. As usual it's been some time since I've been on this site. I guess when I'm doing...
Just not how you think…
Ellowynne, , Depression, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Grief, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Questions, Weight Loss, 1I remember something Carlin said, "… what they don't want is anyone capable of critical thinking!…" I've been clean...
Six years Positive – Reflections
onezeronine, , HIV or Aids, Anger, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Questions, 2Okay, Here goes, To those who take the time to read the streams of my mind, I am ever...
As many of you know the dear family friend of mine & my husband's Puffy has been fighting cancer...
Jessealuvseashells, , OCD, Career, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Parenting, Sleep Disorders, Therapist, 1My life never seems to just settle. It get worse and then a ray of hope comes through, and...
Don't know what is going on with me at the moment. Very teary again. Not doing anything. Still in...
Basically, I'm a fucking mess. So there's that.I just want to be the perfect, cookie cutter version of myself...
I wonder, what kind of man I should date. Of course if I find a mate. Moving from my...
So much pain and uncertainty… (Venting, kind of)
MrSAYITAGAIN09, , OCD, Anxiety, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, OCD, Relationships, Sex Therapy, Weight Loss, 0So it's been a difficult week with my HOCD….this morning right when I woke up it attacked me… and...
Am I the only one who feels like this with their intrusive thoughts? It goes away for awhile or...