have learned a lot from the G.A.D. my bi-polar disorder, having horrible panic attacks, lashing out on people for...
O2. letter to my mom.
littlefighter, , Depression, Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, Career, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Medication, PTSD, Relationships, Self Esteem, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Therapist, 0Thanks everyone for the comments on my first blog entry. I wanted to share with you the letter I...
Diagnosis: Known
WeepingBuddha, , HIV or Aids, Anxiety, Depression, Medication, Sex Therapy, Therapist, Weight Loss, 1This is the first public forum in which I have 'announced' my emotions or stance on my own HIV...
lunarennui, , Depression, Addiction, Anxiety, Child, Medication, Relationships, 0it has happened. it's truly actually happened. i swore an oath late last august when within a week i...
Anxiety History
glassrose777, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Medication, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Therapist, Therapy, 1This blog will be my Anxiety outlet. I usually keep everything in. Hopefully by me writing on here my...
Well here I am again, alone in this room, the dungeon as I call it, with nothing but this...
My two if my main addictions, shopping and drinking, are psychological. These are mildly better than physical in my...
i suppose i'm here as well as elsewhere because no place really seems to match all of who i...
Can't stand people anymore
deidrexx, , Depression, Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, Grief, Medication, Self Esteem, Therapist, 0I could never really "stand" people but they were worth it before. Now I am not sure they are....
I just want to give everyone a hug who is hurting like this. It's so hard. I read things...