Ive been batteling with my addiction for most of my adult life. 11 years. it took me to dark...
Ive been batteling with my addiction for most of my adult life. 11 years. it took me to dark...
Leo, , Anxiety, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Medication, Relationships, Therapist, Weight Loss, 1This is my first blog. I have anxiety, depression, and because of my depression I smoked way too...
A Beautiful Day
sadviolinist, , Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, Medication, Sleep Disorders, Weight Loss, 1So today turned out beautiful weather-wise and just as a day in general. We hung out at the house...
So today I start the Ritalin. To be honest I'm quite nervous because he said it might make me...
My Morning
sadviolinist, , Depression, Bipolar, Medication, Obesity, Schizophrenia, Therapist, Weight Loss, 1So it's Thursday. Yipee! No, not really. I have to go see my psychiatrist for an emergency consult today...
Well, my ride on the hypomanic train has suddenly come to an end. It always does after a few...
Bipolar Dissorder
YaminoKaaten, , Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, Medication, Questions, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Therapist, 2Yeah, I know I haven't been online for the purpose of blogging for a while. But I've been undergoing...
Today is a much better day than the last couple have been. I didn't get my bike ride in...
So too finish about my day… I saw the doctor and he took me off the Abilify! In celebration...