So for the past couple of months I’ve wondered why I am so reluctant to start living life....
It’s getting worse.
thegirlnextdoor89, , OCD, Anxiety, Bipolar, Child, OCD, Psychosis, PTSD, Sleep Disorders, Stress, 3So, my anxiety and OCD has been getting significantly worse. I’ve been really stressed lately, and stress always makes...
chris65, , OCD, OCD, Schizophrenia, Sex Therapy, 0the ocd crap has been a bit worse since my docter gave me a diagnoses the other day. a...
So my boyfriend and I have been together for two years, been living together for one. He completes me...
So, after reading about the drug I was prescribed, and having a close friend do some checking, I think...
Bad Mornings and CBT
mistocat, , OCD, Anger, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Medication, Mindfulness, OCD, Therapy, 0I dislike bad starts to days. So much about how a day progresses depends upon the morning, doesn’t...
Rampant random ridiculously retarted rambling rant.
exploitedenjoyment, , OCD, Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, OCD, Relationships, Social Anxiety, Stress, Suicide, Therapist, 1Fuck, may as well write some shit. Expression’s probably good. Haven’t been here for a while cause I hate...