I used to have violent thoughts towards my ex. The same ones as I have with children and infants....
Ive gotten this new obession lately and it is so hard to shake. I am so obessed about getting...
I hope I can get some help from the community on this, because I really find myself in a...
Well, if you've read any of my blogs you know that I'm unemployed, and I still am. I was...
Hi, this is my first time ever seeking advice through a blog..I would appreciate any comments, or advice anyone...
Do Not Ignore Backsliding Signs
spelsascha, , Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, Child, Chronic Pain, Depression, Domestic Abuse, OCD, Religion, Sexual Abuse, Therapist, 0I am a widowed 63 year old, living independentally despite health problems and the hard work I must do...
Winning against OCD
donovan23, , OCD, Medication, OCD, Therapy, 1I don't know how anyone else feels about their OCD but I am at a point in my life...