Hi, the name I go by on here is Rory bc I don’t like my real name and yeah,...
NedQ5, , Depression, LGBT, Teens, Addiction, Depression, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, PTSD, Religion, Therapist, 2Oh my shite, I went there So yeah. Obviously you gotta LOVE my title. I figured out a few...
Spilling My Guts
HapHapa, , Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Medication, PTSD, Relationships, Religion, Schizophrenia, Self Esteem, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Weight Loss, 2I’m not going to tell my whole life story, but know that it is probably similar to yours –...
friend angry OCD – irresponsible professional OCD
Abby-Meiyum, , Anxiety, OCD, Anxiety, Career, Religion, Sleep Disorders, 0a: What if Dominik was really upset about me buying him a laptop because he felt like i was...
I try to be honest and open-minded with anyone I meet. I believe we were put on this Earth...
Challenging Times
MPALNAU, , Anxiety, Depression, Wellness Tips, Depression, OCD, Religion, Sleep Disorders, 0Checking in with all of you during this challenging time. I’ve been writing out daily self-care plans. Writing these...
My story
kyleighGregg, , Depression, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Medication, Religion, Self Esteem, Suicide, 2When I was little, I was bullied because I was weird and very very poor. I had 2 friends...
This is how I became who I am today, basically my life story so far.
ColdHeart2350, , Depression, LGBT, Teens, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Questions, Religion, Sleep Disorders, 2Yea, so as the title suggests this is how I became me. So a little background info for those...
My anxiety and PTSD story
LoveEri911, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Domestic Abuse, PTSD, Relationships, Religion, Schizophrenia, Sleep Disorders, 0My name is Eri and I’ve struggled with anxiety since i was about 4 or 5 years old. My...
aggravated opinions, mostly bullshit
Jayce, , Uncategorized, Anger, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Infidelity, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Religion, 7heh, playing on the merry-go-round, sometimes i forget my age. the powers that be dont make a fucking sound,...