Wednesday part II…. Well, after cleaning some and spending time with my animals I decided to take a...
I feel so overwhelmed right now…I don\'t know what to do. It seems everytime...
Wow im exhausted..can hardly keep my eyes open! i went out on a date today with a guy i...
I want to say that today is better for some unknown reason. Maybe because it's a pretty day outside,...
The cat who healed my spirit
anxiousbunny73, , Anxiety, Addiction, Alzheimer's, Anxiety, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Grief, PTSD, Relationships, Sex Therapy, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Suicide, Therapy, 0It has become fairly common knowledge that cats are great therapy for nursing home residents, and it is a...
Plain disregard for DT chatroom's rules
shadowghost, , Depression, Anxiety, Depression, Schizophrenia, Social Anxiety, Stress, Suicide, Therapist, 0Welcome! You have entered at 9:48 pm 9:48 pm: i'm really sorry. i know how hard it is...
shadowghost, , Depression, Anxiety, Depression, Schizophrenia, Social Anxiety, Stress, Suicide, Therapist, 0SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM IF PREVIOUS BLOG POSTS HAVE NOT BEEN READ…. Welcome! You have entered at 9:48...
Plain abuse of DT users…..
shadowghost, , Depression, Anxiety, Depression, Schizophrenia, Social Anxiety, Stress, Suicide, Therapist, 0read all or read the bottom areas only if you wish either way its still WRONG TO SEE IN...