For the past 2 to 3 months my teeth have been driving me crazy. A year and 1/2 ago...
It was quite cold today, brrr. But it did manifest some good research time. I am still on the...
Medication or not effects
lightangel, , Depression, Addiction, Depression, Medication, Weight Loss, 2So deppression is an illness. Some say it can be cured by changing ones life content, or doing things...
The Journey
the4thson, , HIV or Aids, Alzheimer's, Anger, Anxiety, Career, Child, Depression, Forgiveness, Grief, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Medication, Obesity, Questions, Relationships, Religion, Sex Therapy, Social Anxiety, Stress, Suicide, Therapist, Therapy, Weight Loss, 2~ And Then, The Sun Came Up……. By Harold "Scottie" Scott 09/06/2013 And Then, The Sun Came Up….. the...
1/2 year, 6 months, 26 weeks… I have faithfully been watching my diet and working out for that period...
Day 1 (for the hundredth time)
Al47, , Addiction, Addiction, Child, Depression, Relationships, Therapy, Weight Loss, 2I've never been on this website before, and i'm not entirely sure i am using it correctly. I needed...
I've never wrote a blog before, the thought of other people, strangers for that matter knowing deep and personal...
So idk, just roaming around the net and reading other stories of "how to cope" with WDs.. specifically mid-term...
More Death
TTany, , Depression, Child, Grief, Weight Loss, 0today was the first day back from winter brake, we were all infromed of the death of a studant,...
I have no idea where my life is going… I can't complain, I have everything to be happy, but...