Hey A, One of the things I miss the most about Mom, was that she tried to always think of others before herself.Ā  This seemed like such a revelation to me, and a great lesson for all of us kids. And, she taught us in such a powerful way ā€” By Example!ā€“ She didnā€™t preach, or yell unless we were being really reckless, or Silly (she used this word instead of ā€œstupidā€ ) 🙂 always was forgiving, gentle, patient, and never, never ran out of hugs! 🙂
Oh, she did spank me a few times, but only when I really really needed it. Like when I painted a yellow stripe down our white cats back, I blamed the cartoons. It was all there, the cat, the can of paint, the brush…Ā  I just reached out, grabbed the cat and the paint brush. I sure hope that paint was water soluble!
Goddess I miss her and the way she smelled, it is starting to fade from her favorite sweater 🙁 I used to snuggle with it all the timeā€¦. Dad knows he is not allowed to wash any of her old clothes!ā€¦ Hey, how do you ā€œsaveā€ a smell? * Iā€™m remembering all the time she spent in the kitchen, her cooking was not great, but it was familiar to our tongues, and satisfied usā€¦ I remember her seeming to always be humming when she was happy. And she did this all the time in the kitchen, humming and cooking. 🙂 Dad, is not as good a cook as Mom. he does not know how to use the spices. Maybe we could learn this together?Ā  I do think it would be fun for us to experiment with them, and surely we would make some mistakes. But we would be making them together!Ā  Maybe we will eat even the oddities we sometimes make.
* I do remember M once saving a fart in a jar and I did not know this was even possible!.. He released it in my bedroom, so gross! ha,ha, haā€¦ Maybe I will do this to him the next time he is visiting. Oh! I will tell his kidsā€¦ revenge is sweet and this time, smelly! Once kids of a certain age learn a thing like this, they will never forget!
Sending you some love, hugs, a smile, thanks, and maybe a few nostalgic tears! ā€“ Iris

  1. linktothepast 1 year ago

    When my family moved into a house that’d be our childhood home, my Dad was painting the rooms. I was… I don’t know 4 at the time, I don’t recall being in school, but I recalled him painting and noticed how he opened the paint cans with a screw driver. He put the paint cans downstairs in an unfinished basement, where I went with my brother bring and early in the morning and opened them using a screw driver. My Brother and I put our feet in it and walked around the cement floor with little foot prints everywhere. We got spankings for it and unfortunately it was oil based paints so it didn’t wash off our feet well.

    Many many many years later when I was in my late teens, my mom and step-dad finished the basement and my mom cried when the foot prints were painted over and a floor put on top of it. Sometimes even the “silliest” šŸ˜‰ moments echo positively into the future.

    There is my nostalgic story. Anyone else? šŸ˜€

    2 kudos
    • lacey7 1 year ago

      My ā€œadoptive momā€ / mother figure in my life always showed she loved me by being there for me, sharing wisdom!

      Plus, she changed the world by volunteering to work holiday shifts for others at the hospital one family at a it.

      She encouraged me to be a stay at home mom after I was married and told me I wouldnā€™t ever regret the memories that I would share with my children. It means I donā€™t have an impressive resume now but I am not lacking in memories.

      She regretting her full time nursing career and missed a lot with her children in their lives. She said that it was ironic that they both worked full time to buy their children all the extras.

      Yet, they ended up with limited time with both patents being there for them.

      She was a wise and loving ā€œmom.ā€ She didnā€™t have to love me, her work family, inspire my green thumb, or praise my parenting and children. She did though!

      2 kudos
      • Author
        iris-dar 1 year ago

        Hey Lacey, she sounds like someone I will like to meet. šŸ™‚ From the time I was in Kindergarten Mom worked at least 30+ hours a week away from home. Yet, it seemed like she was home when I left, and home when I arrived. I am not sure how she did that ?
        We grew up poor, but i never realized it until I got older. Well, I should rephrase that; we did not have a lot of money or lots of “things”. But we all lived the same loving home: Me, M, Mom, Dad and J. Along with the cats, Cleo and Tony (brother and sister) and Bob the dog!
        So I guess you could say that our “wealth” is our family, our form, animals, land, and the emotional connections we all share.
        Sending you a smile, hug, hope, prayers and peace – Iris

        0 kudos
    • Author
      iris-dar 1 year ago

      Hey Link, Did anyone think to take a photo? First idea that comes to my mind will be easiest in the summer. Get a bunch of Tempura (water based) paint in different colors. Then buy a big role of Heavy Butcher Paper, anchor down some long pieces…. and then people can take turns painting their feet (might be easier than getting your feet into the paint. ) and walking, dancing over the paper. Maybe even a dogs back paws?
      Will make some fun wrapping paper, maybe frame a piece and hang it on the wall.
      Mom and Dad had some of our baby foot prints from when we were really little… where did those go?….
      Sending you hugs, smiles, laughs, hope & prayers – Iris

      0 kudos
      • linktothepast 1 year ago

        I DO like the idea of wrapping a gift in it… I’m 99.9% sure it’d make my mom cry. That reaction isn’t always a bad thing though.

        For your other comment about recording memos, anyone who has ever worked at a call centre will tell you they absolutely hate the sound of their voice after listening to recordings for things you did wrong. There actually IS a science behind the reason people don’t like it. When you talk your ear bones pick up vibrations that your vocal cords are making, so when you hear a recording it doesn’t sound quite right.

        The idea of keeping those sort of things physically somewhere you can just listen/read is a great idea though. d(o_~)z

        1 kudos
  2. Author
    iris-dar 1 year ago

    Hey Lincoln, Even the simplest memories can echo into our futures! Record some voice memos on actual tape, and save them for when you are feeling low. Hearing those voices could be a real balm for sadness! hugs – Iris

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