
Depression is a monster it kills and hurts people without having to get  blamed for what it did. It hides and disguise  itself so it can blend in so it can get in your heads and eat you from the inside. It takes your soul, it makes you want death, it wants to harm you until you harm your self. It cant finish you off so it makes you feel alone and empty it hurts you until you take your life; but some how it´s never blamed for the death of its victim. Its so wrong it´s not fair at all. Why can’t the people that have Depression as a friend stop be blamed its not like we want him as a friend he came to us in our sleep and told us we were safe in his arms but really we are not it´s all just a lie cuz Depression lies.

  1. iris-dar 1 year ago

    Hey Finlee, What can I do to help you feel better?
    Sending hugs, a smile, hope and prayers – Iris

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  2. iris-dar 1 year ago

    Hey Finlee, I don’t want to sound critical, and I like what you are sharing, but your ideas and intention will be clearer to your readers if you start using punctuation. Like exclamation marks!
    Separate the words into complete sentences and distinct ideas, these help to focus our minds on what –you– are trying to tell us, directing our thoughts. Capitalizing the first word of each sentence, basic things like this might help.
    Line breaks between paragraphs are like pauses to take a breath, they give your readers eyes a break. Describing ideas might be easier if you use adjectives to aid in your descriptions… Goddess, I sound like I am some sort of English teacher, and I don’t think you need me to do this for you. Right?
    I am sending you thoughts of support, inspiration, love, hope and prayers – Iris

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