Provided nothing is physically wrong with you, and it is in the mind- overcoming requires getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable… today just successfully played some chess at a pub with my friend and we did so for a few hours. I did this despite thinking worrying thoughts such as I would have another panic there or that I would have a gag reflex publicly and feeling it right before I went in, after biking there.

Bravery and being able to sit with that feeling is how you take your life back from the grips of fear of anxiety. Don’t let it boss you around and corner you into a timid existence. Fuck that. Even if you feel uncomfortable do your best and do everything in your power to keep at it. Keep doing it. Don’t give in to fear, in fact dare it to keep coming. The only way to overcome it is through it and failing fast. It requires testing your boundaries constantly. When you feel squirmy and want to leave dont. Give yourself 10 seconds. Then 10 more. Etc. Then notice what’s around you, notice the senses. Keep this up until you feel you won. And then go home and celebrate. Rinse repeat.

one day, you will look back and see all the freedoms back from your worries that never came true, and life is best lived outside your comfort zone in the uncomfortable zone. Such is life.

so always press those boundaries. Don’t give up. I believe in you


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