I got my Medicaid paper work done, finally, so I won't be taken to court to get the money I don't have to give them. That has definitely been hell to try to finish just because I wasn't exactly sure what they wanted from me, and those papers can get really confusing. Oh, well, luckily it is all done.

As far as my last guy situation goes, there was no need for confusion from the beginning. B is gay now apparently, and just happened to forget to tell me that small meaningless detail, and that's fine. I'm pretty sure I would have chosen G anyways just because of how great he usually is.

And that brings me to tell you what I mean when I say, "usually." Today, G said something incredibly inappropriate. Of course he and I have been intimate, and I told him that because of a medical reason that we aren't going to be able to be intimate with each other for a couple of weeks. His response, "Well, I'll see you in a couple of weeks then." I know he was joking, but it still really hurt. He knows what I go through everytime a random person tries to have sex with me and use me, and he's seen how hurt I get over it every time. He's made inappropriate jokes about it before, and expects me to just be over it like that, when it really really gets to me. I don't know how to get him to realize that some things aren't made for jokes and some things do actually hurt. I want to forgive him again, but I don't want him to say anything that hurtful anymore. I think maybe I'll just give him that time he jokingly said he wanted. Or at least I'm debating on doing that. I'm not totally sure yet. Oh well.


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