CAMP  TRIP

                                      Aug. 12th- Aug. 16th


We will be staying at the KOA camp ground in Eureka Springs, AR.  We will be doing tent camping.

The purpose of our camp trips is for people to get out and have some fun.  Meet new people, see old friends.  The camp trips are in mind for people living with HIV and their spouses/partners and, caregivers.   You don\'t have to have HIV to come out and have fun with us.

Things you will need to bring:

Tent and sleeping bag

Medicine for the time your there

Your own snacks and drinks

Bath towels

Shampoo and etc.

Cost of camping is:

                                            $9.00 per day x 4 days = $36

The cost of camping is per person

Everyone is responsible for contributing for the meals.  By that you can bring food, or go the store which is close by.

All money can be made payable to:

Terri Harris

P.O. Box 252  Wooster, AR. 72181


I\'m hoping for a larger crowd on this up coming camp trip.  I feel more the merrier.


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