I feel very low, my life really has been a rollercoaster. I’ve made horrible life decisions and I’m left wondering why I always do that to myself or maybe I’m just not cut out for this life thing…I feel like I’ve failed my kids too because they see me crying and sad most of the time. What was once a happy home is now more like “hey let’s wake up and see what today has for us” my love life sucks, all I’ve ever wanted is a true and genuine companion to do life with and make it easier but I keep making horrible decisions that leave me broken.

What is the meaning of life, everyday is stressful, one issue after another and I think I’ve had enough… If not for my kids I’d have been off this earth years ago 😭. I feel depressed, my anxiety is something else and I see no joy or hope.

  1. Author
    precy1988 1 month ago

    Thank you so much for this wonderful encouragement nowadays I just wake up and hope the day will be better than the previous.

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  2. elae07 1 month ago

    I feel like I’m almost in the same spot as you Percy. My wife wants nothing to do with me. I just wake up every day and go to work. 7 days a week just to avoid being at home because I feel like I have nothing here. I’m so sorry you’re going through that though. I thought I was the only 1. Slowly I’m starting to feel better though. 1 day at a time. Some days are ok, some days are just horrible. If you ever wanna talk though I’ll be here. Fighting the same battle you are with the anxiety and depression.

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    • Author
      precy1988 1 month ago

      I’m so sorry you’re going through this, it sucks being with someone you thought will be your happiness and completion only to discover they ain’t who they said they’d be. I’m battling life with my issues and hope one day it gets better. I pray your situation improves, take heart and please don’t be too hard on yourself you’ve got this, I believe one day whatever we are going through will make sense though I feel like giving up most of the time. Feel free to private message me I really do need people to talk to

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