Whenever my anxiety is really bad, I have weeks where I have these really crazy, weird, vivid dreams that feel like they are so real. Sometimes they turn to nightmares which are horrendous and mean I can’t sleep for ages! I guess I just want to know is this normal? Like, does anyone else experience this or is it just me? The dreams are so vivid I can always remember them in the morning, so much so I could probably draw a picture of who/what was in them and write down exactly what happened.

I struggle at night time as it is, and this just seems to make it worse because I dread going to sleep? Is there anything I can do to help or stop this from happening or am I just crazy?!

  1. ann1945 4 years ago

    Glad I’m not the only one. Thought I was going crazy

    1 kudos
  2. aquazium 4 years ago

    Me three!! Wow, how did I not know that other people struggle with this like I do?
    I recently had a struggle of a few months with some bad depression, because my anxiety was so bad that it created horrifying nightmares EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, and I dreaded going to sleep so much that it caused depression, and I literally never got enough sleep because I didn’t even try.
    What I’ve tried is, to have a bedtime schedule I do every night. I write in my journal for 40 minutes to an hour before I go to bed, and that helps to clear my mind and calm me down.
    Honestly, though, I get how helpless this all seems. I think it’s a miracle I’ve been able to sleep recently. Part of it is probably this close friend who has been there to support me.
    Hey, if you guys all want to chat about this more, I would love that!! FINALLY! Someone gets me! haha

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  3. Author
    jessiie 4 years ago

    Yay! Now I don’t feel so crazy! I try to have a bedtime schedule too but it doesn’t always seem to work I have times where the nightmares are so bad I can’t sleep for a few days afterwards and it’s horrible! I would love to chat more about this, I am glad I’m not the only one!!

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