Well…….i've messed up 🙁

i f**ked up at work the other day left paint all over the sink and apparently on my bosses table and chairs and floor at the end of my shift..not on purpose of course! i only had 3 hours sleep the night before. and i was doing a 12 hour shift..was not happy. then i had to go and work in the cafe. feeling completely burnt out after rushing home-shower-changing-to work! i hate fridays..so stressful! but i've got to keep it up at least until september 🙁 its killing me.

so yeah i got to work and i received some angry texts from my decorating boss…i imediately felt my heart sink! my eyes welled up. but i had to hold it in to serve customers. the last hour is always the busiest and strictest, closing down the cafe means cleaning EVERYTHING, but i forgot to sign some stupid paperwork and this morning found my name written on the wall of shame. just ot make me feel worse..=/

i tried to take my mind off things while at work. but found it very hard!! last 2 hours are usually more exciting..funny girl i work with always make me laugh (: so glad i found a new friend (we went out together this evening for the first time to a fairground) i feel so sick right now!. anyway, i came home from work earlier and my mum suggested i wrote an email of apology to my decorating boss =/ after an awkward 24 hour silence. i sent it. just dreading seeing him again :'( im way too sensative! i need this job..nobody else will take me seriusly!

Anyway there is one good thing!!! 2 actually, i haven't blogged the major one yet!

thursday mid morning: I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!!!!!! FIRST TIME 😀 3 minors…felt pretty damn chuffed with myself!! yay! i've dreamt of this…..just hope its as cool as it seems.

second thing, got home from work today and..i had a card on the table from my sister! "congrats on passing your driving test" bless her :') and inside a note from my dad…you are fully insured to drive mums car, have fun and be safe" OMG………..!! can't wait to go out..

but right now i need rest!! haven't stopped..since thursday morning really.

im drained……………..


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