Well, today was both absolute shit and very positive. Let me explain. I’ve been dating this girl, let’s call her Jane, for about 10 months, since Valentines Day. Well, she’s been hanging out with this guy a lot recently and it’s really messed with me for the past few weeks. She’s told me that they’re just friends, but I really don’t know about that. I don’t think she’s been cheating on me, but she’s definitely into this other guy. Whatever. Mentally, I broke up with her a few weeks ago. Today after class, Jane pulls me aside and really breaks up with me. I’m not upset and she isn’t either. We are still great friends, and the group that the two of us hang out with are chill and probably won’t care. Is it good that we broke up? Is it bad because I lost an important relationship? I’m still figuring that out. Anyways, there is a ton of good coming from it. My anxiety has been building up a lot lately, mainly due to the fact that I haven’t been able to trust Jane and this other guy because of how much they hang out with each other. With this now out of the way, I want to be able to expand what I’m doing at the moment. Instead of getting home from school and watching TV and playing video games for 3 hours before working on my assignments, I want to exercise and study more often. I’m a bit overweight now so cutting could be good for me. I imagine that I’ll do a lean cut, then build up some more muscle before the next football season begins, as it’s important to stay heavier for my position (middle linebacker). In retrospect, I should’ve broken up with Jane when I started having trust issues, but that time is over now. We’re good friends and that’s really all our relationship has been, even when we were dating. So i guess it has been good for me. I’ll make sure to keep all 10 million of my readers updated. See ya.


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