Ok I am in horrid pain!! I have horrible heartburn/acid reflux and pain in my side and chest.  It's so bad that I have to sit down after walking. Like I can't walk around stores all the way through! We went to Lowe's yesterday and I literally was fighting the need to hunch over or sit down the pain my side was so bad. I KNOW I KNOW!! I need to treat it.

    I went to the doctor like any sane person would a couple of weeks back. She prescribed Nexium and said I probably have an ulcer because I pop tylenol like it is candy due to chronic headaches. She also prescribed propranelol for the headaches. 

    I am frustrated because I have YET to take a nexium or a propranelol!! Why?? Because I am a paranoid freak I guess.  I freak out whenever I try a new med.  I don't just mean the average freak out that one may have. Like for 24 hours I am in a panic analyzing every little feeling and thinking I am going to die from side effects to the drug I just took. It's frustrating, it's sad and I get sick of doctors lecturing me on wasting their time because I won't take the meds. I really need to atleast start this nexium because I literally am loosing this battle with the pain and nausea (sp?). Oh I just feel stupid!! For the love of man kind it is just nexium.

   So took me months to get up the courage to go see the Dr about the pain and now it's been two weeks and I have yet to take a stupid single pill sigh! Ok I just need to get over it lol and take it. It's comical when you think about it. I have gotten over pill fear before and taken other drugs. I guess I am just having a relapse. It's the only part of my anxiety I give into. I make myself not alter my life in every other way except for this. grrrr.


  1. Babpsi 15 years ago

    Oh boy do I know EXACTLY how u feel~!!  I HATE taking antibiotics….I get this fear that if I take the freaking thing it will make me more anxious and then I have to wait a couple of hours to take my anxiety med!! I recenlty got sick to the point that if I did not take my meds it could lead to something worse so there I was dreading everytime I popped one those bitches in (pardon the language) and u know what I finished my entire prescription I was soooo HAPPY and proud of myself because I NEVER finish my prescription nor do I take it the way I am supposed to. Nothing happened and I got a little better.  Just know that once you start taking them you will start to feel better.  Also remind yourself that the doctor prescribed them for a reason and you do not want to get worse. The doctor knows your condition and any other meds you are on so try not to obsess that the side effects my harm you in some way K šŸ™‚ Keep us posted sweetie~!!


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  2. afwifek 15 years ago

    Thanks everyone! I just took my nexium so trying not to freak out or analyze every little feeling.  I feel a bit silly. I am paranoid about allergic reactions and that is my main issue. I also avoid certain foods sometimes.

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